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Features and Requirements

Streaming video/audio

Stream live video and audio Stream saved videos and audio Access all saved videos and select between save streams from camera Choose between cameras Search through all video quickly with pre-loaded low-bitrate video

Pre-made setting profiles (ie. baby monitor, dashcam, etc.)

Alerts (From video, sound, etc.)

Create an alerts Select criterion for type:

  • Camera: regular, night vision, thermal
  • Brightness: intensity, Color, and length
  • Motion: intensity and length
  • Sound: range, rntensity, and length
  • Alert: notification, alarm
  • Time Range Add a limiter to the alert Limit of alerts occurrences over a period of time

Account connection

Connect a camera to account Setup camera (connect to wifi, set profile, etc.)

Interact with video through app

Access and view saved videos Scroll through video quickly or can speed the video up Delete saved videos off of their accounts Download the videos from the cloud onto a smartphone Take a picture

Customize resolution and bitrate

Users can increase/decrease resolutions and bitrate The resolution and bitrate should default to the best possible option according to the user’s bandwidth Live stream and video search is limited to low bitrate

Save video on the cloud

Create a saving policy Select camera Select resolution Select bit-rate Select max time (or storage) Add criterion (brightness, motion, sound)

Night vision and thermal cameras

Sound property detection

Enable sound on the app Sound intensity detection in decibels

Video property detection

Motion detection Light intensity detection