Figure Component
The figure component is used for images or media that should be referenced.
Required Properties
: A string describing the image or asset.
Example Usage
import Figure from "../../src/components/Figure";
<Figure caption={"Figure 1.1 A dinosaur that helps users write great documentation websites."}>

Sub captions
import Figure from "../../src/components/Figure";
<Figure caption={"Figure 1.1 A dinosaur that helps users write great documentation websites."} subcaption={"More detail about the dinosaur. Blood oranges can be mixed with quartered ginger, also try garnishing the platter with sweet chili sauce."}>

Single Line Component
With JSX you don't necessarily have to open and close html tags. The equivalent of <Figure></Figure>
is </Figure>
You must provide a src
and caption
import Figure from "../../src/components/Figure";
<Figure src={dinosaur} caption={"Figure 1.3 Example of short jsx figure component"} />
Try editing the properties of the <Figure>
below for live changes!
Live Editor