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Database Diagrams

Entity-Relation Diagram

Entity-Relation Diagram


USER ||--|{ AVATAR : owns
USER ||--o{ INVENTORY : owns
USER ||--o{ TASK : owns
USER ||--|| USERMETA : owns
AVATAR }|--|| MOODSTORE : references
charfield username PK
string first_name
string last_name
string password_hash "PBKDF2 or similar"
string email
datetime last_login
datetime date_joined
int active_avatar FK "avatar_id from AVATAR table"

int avatar_id PK
charfield owner FK "USER - username"
charfield avatar_name
enum avatar_type FK
int total_xp
datetime last_interaction
datetime last_feed
datetime birthday
string flavour_text "u for uropian"

int inventory_id PK
charfield username FK
enum candy_base_type "SMALL, MEDIUM, LARGE, CAKE"
enum candy_level "multiplier for basetype, BEGINNER,
int quantity


int task_id PK
charfield username FK
datetime due_date "optional"
bool completed "default = False"
bool recurring "default = False"
int recurrence_time_delta "optional default = 0, required if recurring"
int completion_status "1-4"
charfield course "optional - link Canvas task with course"
textfield description "optional field giving notes about task"



charfield username FK
datetime birthday "Optional: Can get a birthday notification and Pet State will go to GREAT"
textfield description "Optional: User can give a brief description of their goals for profile"



charfield avatar_type PK
charfield moodpath_sad "filename in static store"
charfield moodpath_neutral "filename in static store"
charfield moodpath_happy "filename in static store"



This diagram shows the individual tables and their relations in our SQLite data-base. The tables are as follows:

- USER the Django default user implementation
- AVATAR holds pet information and relate back to USER(many2one)
- TASK holds tasks specified by USER(many2one)
- INVENTORY holds inventory items currently held by USER(many2one)
- USERMETA holds additional optional information about USER(one2one)
- MOODSTORE relates animation frame palettes to AVATAR(one2many)