Robocontrol is a user-friendly way to interact with the Adeept RaspTank. The RaspTank is a small 'tank' with treads, a camera, an ultrasonic sensor, and an arm with a claw. In addition to the 'out of the box' functionalities of the RaspTank, our team has enhanced the user experience by creating an 'Autonomous' mode, which allows the tank to navigate an obstacle course without human intervention.
By accessing the website (, the user will be able to:
- View the RaspTank's surroundings via a live camera feed
- Manually control its movement and arm / claw with self-explanatory controls
- Prompt the RaspTank to autonomously navigate an predefined course by enabling 'Autonomous' mode
Known Bugs
-No automatic exit for autonomous mode. -Hardware power issues lead to variance in autonomous mode performance. -Server reliability dependent on number of active connections to server.
How To Install
- Ssh into the server
- Clone the repository
- Install nginx
- Change your working directory to tread-bot-website
- Run "npm i" to build the website package.
- Run "npm start" to execute the website.
- Connect directly to the robot by attaching keyboard/mouse/monitor to USB ports.
- Establsih Wi-Fi connection.
- git clone from Unix terminal the repo.