📄️ Activities
Requirements Gathering
📄️ Tasks
| Task # | Task | Estimated Effort | Area Of work | Successor Tasks | Assignee |
📄️ Schedule
The schedule was structured into distinct sections that corresponded to specific project milestones. For each milestone, there were associated tasks that needed to be completed before moving on to the next phase and for presenting. The elaboration phase is the phase dedicated to documentation of the project. The Hello World demo contains the tasks which must be completed that would prove the projects overall design concept. Subsequent milestones built on the preceding tasks until the Final Demo, where the project should be completed days in advance to allow time for final testing and preparation.
📄️ Development Environment
This section provides an overview of the hardware and software components required for this project. It covers the components necessary for the robot's operation, communication, and hosting services, such as the website and remote server.
📄️ Version Control
Version control tool: Git version control