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Task #TaskEstimated EffortArea Of workSuccessor TasksAssignee
1Setup Remote Project Server1 Person x 1 weekServerN/ARyan Hodge
2Develop User Wireframes & Website Interface Mockups2 People x 1 weekWebsite graphical outlineN/AAntonio Keyes
Oliva Chaves
3Develop Front-End Website Framework3 People x 1 weekWebsite outlineTask 2Antonio Keyes
Edward Keegan
Cindy Tang
4Setup RaspTank Communication with Website2 People x 1 weekRaspberry pi communicationTask 3Ryan Hodge
Kevin Jang
5Create Website Video and Controls GUI Features3 People x 1 weekWebsite video and controlsTask 4Ryan hodge
Antonio Keyes
Olivia Chaves
6Implement Website User Queue1 Person x 2 weeksWebsite FunctionalityTask 2Qian Peng
7Implement functionality for Robot Arm1 Person x 2 weeksWebsite controlsTask 2Cindy Tang
8Finalize Website Features3 Person x 2 weeksWebsiteTask 5Antonio Keyes
Edward Keegan
Qian Peng
9Establish Raspberry Pi Communication with Server1 Person x 1 weekData processingTask 1Ryan Hodge
10Redesign RaspTank Program Architecture2 People x 2 weeksControllable robotN/ARyan Hodge
Kevin Jang
11Research OpenCV Libraries3 People x 2 weeksResearchN/AKevin Jang
Anubhav Kundu
Ryan Hodge
12Develop Color Detection Algorithm2 People x 2 weekColor mapping imagesTask 9Kevin Jang
Anubhav Kundu
13Finish Image Processing Algorithm3 People x 2 weeksPartial AutonomyTask 10Kevin Jang
Anubhav Kundu
Cindy Tang
14Develop Obstacle Avoidance Algorithm3 People x 2 weekAutonomyTask 11Keving Jang
Ryan Hodge
Qian Peng
15Establish Communication Between Server and Website2 People x 2 weeksAlgorithm visualizationsTask 1 & Task 3Olivia Chaves
Edward Keegan
16Confirm and Test Communication Between All Platforms2 People x 2 weeksProper CommunicationAll Communication TasksRyan hodge
Antonio Keyes