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Backend Class Documentation MyTokenObtainPairView Class Purpose: Sub class to provide a view to create the access token and the refresh token with custom claims. Class inherits from TokenObtainPairView. Datafields: serializer_classType: Alias Purpose: Set serializer for custom claims MyTokenObtainPairSerializer Class Purpose: Sub class to serialize token with custom claims .Class inherits from TokenObtainPairSerializer. Methods:+ get_token()Purpose: Produce refresh token for view used to generate access token. Pre-condition: User sends valid login credentials. Post-Condition: A valid token is returned. Parameters: TokenPurpose: stores super().get_token so custom claims can be applied Return Values: Jwt refresh token Exceptions Thrown: Error code in rest response RegisterView Class Purpose: Sub class to provide a view for a new user to register an account. Class inherits from generics.CreateAPIView. Datafields:querysetType: List of objects Purpose: Store all User objects from the database. permission_classesType: Permissions class Purpose: Store permissions class AllowAny because any potential should be allowed to register as a new user in the system. serializer_classType: Serializer Class Purpose: Store RegisterSerializer class. RegisterSerializer Class Purpose: Sub class to serialize registration information. Inner Class:Class MetaPurpose: Validate request data in specified format. Datafields:passwordType: SHA256 Purpose: Validate and clean data password2Type: SHA256 Purpose: Validate and clean data Methods:+ validate():Purpose: Check if password and password2 match. Pre-condition: User has not tried to register with the same credentials in the past. Post-Condition: A new user is added to the database with the provided credentials. Parameters: dictionary Return Values: attrs Exceptions Thrown: Validation error + create():Purpose: Create new user in database. Pre-condition: User is attempting to register. Post-Condition: User will be able to login Parameters: dictionary Return Values: user Exceptions Thrown: User already exists