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Frontend Class Documentation Component Hierarchy / Directory App The root component encompassing all other components. Data fields Object userInfo An object with fields describing the user's information like their username, first name, last name email, last login, etc. Methods setUserInfo(userObject) Changes the userInfo state to userObject's values and rerenders components to reflect changes. Calls when the App component renders. Updates the state of userInfo. Arguments:userObject: the object that will be the new state of userInfo. Return none fetchData() Makes requests to the backend to fetch the user's information. Calls setUserInfo() to set the value of userInfo. Return none This component is the site's header and it shows the name of the site (My Study Buddy) and a DropDownMenu component. Data fields str title The name of the site (My Study Buddy). Object userInfo Methods This component allows users to access the various pages attached to the drop down menu, including integrating with Canvas and account settings. Data fields Array pages An array that encompasses all of the pages that exist in the drop down menu. Object userInfo Methods handleClick() Method that manages the click action to allow users to access the correct component. Return none setUserInfo(userObject) DropDownItem Component that handles each individual selection option in the drop down menu. Data fields str title String that includes the name of a specific drop down item. Object userInfo Methods handleClick() logOut() Carries out the functionality of logging out of the system, making a call to the backend to save and store the user's data in the database for future use. setUserInfo(userObject) CanvasIntegrationPage Component that, upon selection, allows users to integrate their Canvas account. Data fields Methods redirectTo() Handles the functionality to redirect the user to the Canvas site. Calls setUserInfo() Return none setUserInfo(userObject) click here Calls when the user wants to integrate their Canvas account. AccountSettingsPage Component that grants access to the user's account settings Data fields Methods changeEmail() Allows user to change the email address associated with their account, making a call to the backend to update. Return string (verification) Calls setUserInfo() Return string (verification message) changeUsername() Allows user to change the username associated with their account, making a call to the backend to update. Return string (verification) Calls setUserInfo() Return string (verification message) changePassword() Allows user to change their password, making a call to the backend to update. Calls setUserInfo() Return string (verification message) deleteAccount() Allows user to delete their account and erase all their data, making a call to the backend to update. Calls setUserInfo() Return string (verification message) setUserInfo(userObject) click here Calls when the user wants to change their account information. Main The component displaying everything below the header. It's made up of the PetDisplay and PageDisplay component. Data fields Object avatarInfo An object with fields describing the user's pet like it's name, type, totalXP, last time the user interacted with/fed it. Array inventory An array of the items the user owns. Primarily consumables for the pet to level up. Methods setAvatarInfo(avatarObject) Changes the avatarInfo state to the value of avatarObject and rerenders components to reflect changes. Calls when the Main component renders. Updates the state of avatarInfo. Arguments:avatarObject: the object that will be the new state of avatarInfo. Return none setInventory(inventoryList) Changes the inventory array and rerenders components to reflect changes. Calls when the Main component renders. Updates the state of inventory. Arguments:inventoryList: the object that will be the new state of inventory. Return none fetchData() Makes requests to the backend to fetch inventory and avatarInfo information. Calls setAvatarInfo() and setInventory() to set the values of inventory and avatarInfo(). Return none PetDisplay The PetDisplay component is fixed to the left side of the screen and it displays the user's pet sprite, EXP level, name, etc. Data fields Object avatarInfo Array inventory Methods setInventory(inventoryList) setAvatarInfo(avatarObject) PetSprite The PetSprite component is primarily responsible for the avatar animations. It shows the user's pet as a pixel sprite and it can be 'fed' when the user drags items to it. Data fields Object avatarInfo Array inventory Object sprite An object with fields specifying which frames of the sprite sheet are being used to animate the pet/avatar. It will be used to visually depict the pet. Methods setInventory(inventoryList) click here Calls when a user feeds their pet. The user's item (candy) quantity goes down. setAvatarInfo(avatarObject) click here Calls when a user feeds their pet. The pet should gain EXP and change mood. setSprite(spriteObject) Changes the sprite state to the value of spriteObject and rerenders components to reflect changes. Calls when the PetSprite component renders. Calls when a user feeds their pet. The pet's sprite should be animated differently to reflect the correct mood. Updates the state of sprite. Arguments:spriteObject: the object that will be the new state of the sprite object. Return none handleItemRelease(inventoryID) Handles the event of the user dragging and dropping an item (candy) to their pet. Calls the setInventory() and setAvatarInfo() to update the values of avatarInfo and inventory. Return none PetDescription The PetDescription displays information about the pet, including their current mood, age, and weight. ProgressBar The ProgressBar displays the pet’s progress (experience points/EXP) to the next level. PageDisplay Component that includes all of the various pages/tabs that the user can access in order to track their tasks and progress. Data fields Array taskList An array of the user's tasks and tasks imported from Canvas (if integrated). int pageView A number representing the page/componenet the user has selected. Object avatarInfo Array inventory Methods setTaskList(taskListObj) Changes the taskList state to the value of taskListObj and rerenders the page to display the user's updated/changed list of tasks. Updates the state of taskList. Calls when the PageDisplay component renders. Arguments:taskListObj: the new state of taskList. Return none setPageView(pageNum) Changes the pageView state to the value of pageNum and rerenders the current page. Arguments:pageNum: the new state of pageView. Range: [0-3]. Return none setInventory(inventoryList) setAvatarInfo(avatarObject) fetchData() Makes requests to the backend to fetch the user's task information. Calls setTaskList() to set the value of taskList. Return none NavBar Component that manages the navigation bar to allow the user to switch between components Component that handles each individual selection option in the navigation bar. Data fields Methods setPageView(pageNum)click here Calls when the user selects another tab. Depending on the value of pageView/pageNum, the component rendered could be TaskPage, InventoryPage, CalendarPage, or PetProfPage. Return none handleClick() Handles user's clicks on NavButton component. Calls setPageView() to update the value of pageView. Return none TaskPage Component that displays all of the user's to-do tasks in a list format. Data fields Methods setInventory(inventoryList) setAvatarInfo(avatarObject) setTaskList(taskListObj) TaskList The TaskList component displays the user's tasks. Data fields Array taskList click here Each task item in the taskList array will be displayed with the TaskList componenet. Methods setInventory(inventoryList) setAvatarInfo(avatarObject) setTaskList(taskListObj) removeTask(taskID) Removes a task and makes a request to the backend to update the user's tasks. Updates value of taskList using setTaskList(). updateTask(taskID) Updates the task information and makes a request to the backend to update the user's tasks. Updates value of taskList using setTaskList(). Calls setTaskList() to update the value of taskList. Calls setInventory() to update the value of inventoryList. TaskItem Component for each item in taskList that displays certain information like name, due date, etc. Data fields Object taskItem An object with fields describing a task like the due date, description, recurring info, how much is completed, etc. Methods handleClick() Renders the TaskDetails component which has more details about the task. Return none removeTask(taskID) updateTask(taskID) click here Calls when the user updates their progress toward completion. Calls setInventory() if user's task completion or progress results in a reward (item/candy)/ Component that allows the user to create a new task and add details to the task. Data fields Methods setTaskList(taskListObj) click here Calls when the user adds a new task to include it in taskList. addTask() Creates a new task and makes a request to the backend to update the user's tasks. Calls setTaskList() to update the taskList. Return none InventoryPage Handles displaying the contents of the user's inventory. ItemGrid Displays all of the items in the user's inventory in a grid format. Data fields Array inventory click here Each item in inventory will be displayed to the user in a grid. Methods Item Displays each item with a pixel image to depict it. Data fields Object inventoryItem An object with fields describing an inventory item like its base type, level, and quantity. Methods handleClick() Handles clicks on item components and allows user to drag the item around. Return none CalendarPage The CalendarPage component allows the user to view their tasks in a calendar format. Calendar Component which handles the functionality of the calendar and all of the tasks that fall on certain dates. Data fields Date currentDate Date object representing the current date. Array taskList click here Items in taskList that have a due date will be listed when the user selects that date on the calendar. Methods displayTasks(dateSelect) Displays the tasks due given a Date object. Arguments:dateSelect: A Date object representing the day the user selects on the calendar. Returns:A filtered list of tasks due on the specified date. ProgressPage Handles the display of the user's progress towards completion of tasks. Data fields Object avatarInfo click here Used to display extra information about the pet like the last time it was fed, birthday, etc. Array taskList Methods PPTaskList Component that shows the users all their tasks and the progress they've made. Data fields Array taskList click here Each task item in the taskList array will be displayed with the PPTaskList componenet. Methods PPTaskItem Component for each task item in taskList. Data fields Object ppTaskItem An object with fields describing a task and how much of it is completed. Methods handleClick() Handles user's clicks on the component and renders a PPTaskDetails component to show more details. Return none PPTaskDetails This component can not be edited and displays less information than the TaskItem component. It shows the user how much progress they've made on their tasks.