Features and Requirements
- Movement Control
- User should be able to move robot forwards, backwards, and make turns by alternating direction of treads in addition to sequencing movement commands
- User should be able to issue an emergency stop command in the middle of any movement operation using the website GUI
- Robot Servo Control
- User should be able to control the robot arm in three separate directions
- User should be able to tilt the camera up and down
- Video Imaging
- User should be able to receive video stream from robot, displayed on the GUI
- Robot should be able to receive video stream in autonomous mode adn display it on the GUI
- Autonomous Mode
- User should be able to enable and disable autonomous mode, allowing robot to act within a set of parameters
- Robot should have parameters established for autonomous mode allowing for movement between laid out path
- Robot should be able to make slight turns autonomously in the correct direction
- Once finished its navigation, robot should stop at end of its autonomous path
- Color Detection
- Server should be able to detect colored lines
- Server should be able to display color detection image to users