System Overview
Robocontrol provides a web-based user interface to control the Adeept RaspTank robot. It implements features such as remote navigation, autonomous functionality of the robot, as well as manual control via a website GUI. The RaspTank has a Raspberry Pi 3B+ single board computer which will interface with a remote server and GUI over Wi-Fi to process the data from the various input devices such as the on-board camera and ultrasonic distance sensor, as well as control the motor drivers for the tank treads and the servos for the mechanical arm. Video feed from the camera will be transmitted in near-real-time to the GUI so that the user can see where the robot is going even if they are not in the same environment, and they are able to use this to navigate with controls on the GUI which will be transmitted back to the microcontroller through the server. If the user would prefer the robot to navigate its environment autonomously, the server will use camera and sensor information it receives from the microcontroller to make autonomous navigation decisions using Python and transmit these decisions back to the microcontroller so that they can be implemented by the motors in the robot’s tank treads.